
Information for Researchers

While the inaugural exhibit in the Philip Roth Personal Library is always on view in the gallery space during regular library hours, the adjoining Philip Roth Reading Room is available for research by appointment only.

Reading room hours are Monday-Friday, 9AM-12PM and 12:30PM-4PM.

To schedule an appointment, please send us an email.

We would appreciate one week’s advance notice for all research appointments.


Rules for use of the Philip Roth Personal Library


Researchers are required to produce identification on their first visit to the Library. This may take the form of an identification card such as a driver’s license or school ID. Researchers will be asked to fill out a researcher application.


Please note that the Philip Roth Reading Room is monitored by electronic surveillance. Use of materials in the collection is subject to carefully observed security measures designed to balance the needs of the researcher with the protection of the material. All phones, coats, briefcases, bags, packages, and umbrellas must be stored in designated lockers. Books and papers brought in by researchers may be inspected by staff before leaving the reading room. Researchers are given only limited amounts of material at any one time.

Handling of Materials

Readers are expected to handle materials with great care. Only pencils are to be used for note-taking. Pages are to be turned carefully, and no weight except a booksnake (provided) should rest on books or manuscripts. For some materials, use of a book cradle (provided) is mandatory. Readers should be careful not to disturb the physical association among items. If something appears to be out of order in a file, readers should mention it to a staff member rather than correcting the situation themselves. A staff member will provide guidance in handling all materials. Tracing of marginalia is not permitted. Materials may not be removed from the room and they do not circulate.

Use of Electronic Equipment

The Philip Roth Reading Room is equipped with an electrical outlet for your personal computers or tablets. The use of cameras, phones, or portable scanning equipment to photograph or scan Roth’s marginalia and notes is not permitted.

Use of Images and Reproduction

Those wishing to have reference material photocopied will present their request to one of the attending librarians.  Photocopying will be at the discretion of staff depending upon the type and condition of the materials and the number of copies requested.

Requests for reproduction of works in the collection must be submitted to Philip Roth’s literary executors who retain copyright of Roth’s literary works.

Preferred Citation:

[Book] Philip Roth Personal Library, The Newark Public Library, NJ.

[Box Number, Folder Number] Philip Roth Collection, The Philip Roth Personal Library, The Newark Public Library, NJ.

To schedule an appointment, please send us an email.


Link to Catalogue of Books in PRPL


Shelf List of books in the Philip Roth Personal Library

Newark Public Library catalog (in the second drop-down list, select the Philip Roth Personal Library). Please note that we have also been purchasing books related to Roth in order to complement the collection. These are identified as Supplemental (suppl.) in the call number.

Shelf Key